Trans-Plan My Green Route Intro 2011
Trans-Plan My Green Route Intro 2011
Added on 29 Apr 2017
Watched 3,303 times

Trans-Plan is on the way towards a green eceonomy. As a team whose guiding principle is to think outside the box, we are invested in the design and devlopment of innovative solutions that use eco friendly resources.
We would like to enncounrage everyone in the community to find their own road to help solve environemental problems. We invite everyone to do all kinds of things in their communities to enhance green technology. Trans-Plan endevours to do its part.
Our aim is to modernize the transportation and traffic engineering sector but also to promote energy efficiency.
Aside from designing and developing sustainable solutions, we have organized "My Green Route" to serve as a venue for everyone to discuss and share view on how we can be more involved in the betterment of our community.

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