Another fly fishing lesson from Master Guide in training Eden Miller. Here, she shows you how to properly release a wild salmon on the Middle Italio River. You always want to make sure you get that fish returned gently to the water, as quickly as possible. Eden has been fly fishing these Alaskan waters since she was just a kid and her day of experience sure shows!
In all seriousness... We flew out to the Middle Italio River for a "father-daughter weekend" (along with our friend Chris Smith who took this video). Eden has grown up on the river and around fish her whole life, but this was the first time she actually had the attention span to stick with fly fishing. We had a wonderful time out there! Although the big silvers were starting to come in, she had a wonderful time casting to, hooking and landing pink salmon. The pinks (aka Humpies) were easier for her to fight and land, so it was a wonderful introduction to fly fishing. The next day, the pinks were gone and the silvers were in, but Eden had no trouble after a day of landing pinks.